Garlic And Herb Butter

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Elevate Your Meals with super This easy Irresistibly Flavorful homemade garlic and herb butter. The aroma of fresh garlic and refreshing green herb will enhance the outcome of your dish. This easy recipe is as simple as blending fresh garlic and choice of herbs with softened butter. Elevates the taste of bread, veggies, chicken, meat, shrimp and pasta.

Garlic and herb butter served in a wooden plate with fresh herbs, butter and garlic cloves nearby

garlic and herb butter

When I think back to my childhood, some of my fondest memories are in the kitchen, watching my grandmother effortlessly create delicious meals. One of her secret ingredients that she always had on hand was homemade Garlic And Herb Butter. I remember the intoxicating aroma of garlic and herbs filling the air as she spread it on warm crusty bread or sautéed vegetables to perfection.

My grandmother believed that a simple dollop of this flavored butter could transform an ordinary dish into something extraordinary. And she was absolutely right. Whether it was a humble bowl of pasta or a tender piece of grilled fish, the addition of this herb-infused butter took the flavors to a whole new level.

Now, as I carry on the tradition in my own kitchen, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia every time I make a batch of Garlic And Herb Butter. It’s not just a condiment or cooking staple; it’s a taste of family history and the embodiment of culinary magic.

In this article, I’m excited to share with you the wonders of Garlic And Herb Butter and how it can elevate your meals in ways you never thought possible. From a simple spread to a versatile ingredient in your recipes, this homemade garlic butter is a game-changer. Get ready to embark on a flavorful journey and discover the secrets to creating your own unforgettable Garlic And Herb Butter!

Key takeaways

  • Garlic And Herb Butter adds a burst of aromatic garlic and herb goodness to your meals.
  • It is a versatile flavoured butter that can elevate everyday cooking and special occasions.
  • Making homemade Garlic And Herb compound butter is easy and rewarding.
  • Choosing high-quality ingredients is crucial for a flavourful butter.
  • Infusing the butter with garlic and herbs is the key step in creating the perfect Garlic And Herb Butter.
Garlic Herb Butter 3

Why Garlic And Herb Butter is a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

Discover the game-changing power of Garlic And Herb Butter. This flavoured butter is not just your ordinary spread – it’s a versatile ingredient that can elevate both your everyday cooking and special occasions. With its irresistible combination of garlic and herbs, this homemade garlic butter adds a burst of flavour to any dish, making it a essential staple in your kitchen.

One of the key benefits of garlic and herb butter is its versatility. Whether you are whipping up a quick and simple weeknight meal or preparing an elaborate feast for guests, this flavoured butter can effortlessly enhance the taste of any dish. Spread it on warm bread, toss it with pasta, or use it to sauté vegetables – the options are endless.

Not only does garlic and herb compound butter elevate the taste of your meals, but it also adds a touch of sophistication to your cooking. The combination of garlic and herbs creates a powerful flavour profile that can transform even the simplest of ingredients into a gourmet masterpiece.

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Recipe Video: Homemade Garlic And Herb Butter

I have created a mini recipe video for making these quick and easy Garlic and Herb butter and have already posted the video on my YouTube channel Bubli’s World Cuisine. It’s a step by step visual demonstration on how to make this aromatic taste enhancing compound butter at home for lifting the taste of family dinner. To see the recipe in action from start to finish, please click on the video. And for a printable version of this recipe please check the recipe card at the end of the blog:

Flavour-enhancing properties of Garlic And Herb Butter

  • Intense Garlic Punch: The garlic in this butter brings a robust and savoury taste to your dishes, elevating the overall flavour profile.
  • Aromatic Herbs: The herb-infused butter adds a fresh and fragrant dimension to your cooking, enhancing the taste and aroma of your dishes.
  • Rich and Creamy Texture: The homemade garlic butter has a smooth and creamy texture that melts beautifully into your recipes, creating a luscious and indulgent experience.

By having Garlic And Herb Butter in your kitchen, you can effortlessly create restaurant-quality meals in the comfort of your own home. Whether you are a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, this flavoured butter will inspire you to get creative and experiment with new flavours.

So take your cooking to the next level and make this garlic and herb flavored butter a staple in your kitchen. Its flavour-enhancing properties and versatility will make a world of difference in your culinary creations.

The Perfect Homemade Garlic And Herb Butter Recipe

Are you ready to elevate your meals with the irresistible combination of garlic and herbs? Look no further than this easy-to-follow homemade Garlic And Herb Butter recipe. With a few simple steps, you can create a flavourful butter that will take your dishes to new heights.

To make this delicious garlic butter, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g butter, softened
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/4 Cup fresh Coriander or Parsley leaves thyme, or rosemary), finely chopped
  • 1Tbsp rosemary
  • 1Tbsp Dill
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt (optional)

Once you have gathered all the ingredients, follow these step-by-step instructions for making compound butter:

  1. In a food processor mince fresh herbs and garlic cloves very fine. You can do this step by hand as well.
  2. Next add in softened butter and salt which is optional and run the machine for a minute until butter is nicely whipped up and all flavours are blend.
  3. Using a spatula or a spoon, mix the ingredients together until they are well combined and run the machine if required more.
  4. Transfer the garlic and herb mixture onto a sheet of plastic wrap or put them in molds for easier usage. You can chose the size of mold according to your usage quantity.
  5. If you have put the flavoured butter into plastic wrap then roll it tightly, shaping the mixture into a log. Twist the ends of the plastic wrap to seal the log. For other molds just pop it in the fridge or freezer to set.

That’s it! Your homemade Garlic And Herb Butter is now ready to be used in a variety of dishes. From spreading it on warm crusty bread to melting it over grilled meats or vegetables, the possibilities are endless.

This homemade garlic butter not only adds a burst of flavour but also gives a touch of sophistication to your meals. Impress your family and friends with this restaurant-worthy ingredient that you can easily make at home.

So why wait? Try making your own Garlic And Herb Butter today and elevate your cooking to a whole new level!

rose shaped herb butter on a round wooden board with fresh herbs and garlic cloves and a sourdough bread

Selecting the Right Ingredients for your Garlic And Herb Butter

In order to create a truly flavourful Garlic And Herb Butter, it is essential to choose the right ingredients. It’s only a handful of ingredients to whip up this flavour enhancing butter mix but each ingredient plays a crucial role in achieving a delicious end result.

1. High-Quality Butter For Making Garlic And Herb Butter

The foundation of any homemade garlic butter lies in the quality of the butter itself. Opt for a high-quality, unsalted butter that is rich in flavour. Look for butter with a high fat content, as it will provide a creamy and luxurious texture to your garlic and herb butter.

2. Fresh Garlic

To infuse your butter with the unmistakable taste of garlic, it is important to use fresh garlic cloves. The pungent aroma and robust flavour of fresh garlic will lend an irresistible depth to your homemade butter. Remember to finely mince or crush the garlic cloves to ensure an even distribution of flavour.

3. Fresh Herbs

The choice of herbs is where you can get creative and tailor the flavour of your butter to suit your preferences. Consider using a combination of only one or two. Fresh herbs are recommended for their vibrant taste, but dried herbs can also be used if that is what you have on hand. Chop or finely crush the herbs to release their essential oils and infuse them into the butter.

By carefully selecting high-quality butter, fresh garlic, and a variety of herbs, you can ensure that your homemade Garlic And Herb Butter is bursting with delicious flavour. The combination of these ingredients will elevate your culinary creations and make every bite a truly memorable experience.

  1. Pro tip: It’s important to finely mince the garlic to ensure that the flavors infuse evenly throughout the butter.
  2. Pro tip: Choose fresh herbs for maximum flavor. Feel free to experiment with different herb combinations to suit your taste preferences.

A wooden cutting board with slices of rustic bread topped with garlic and herb butter. ingredients like garlic cloves, fresh dill, and parsley surround the bread. sunlight illuminates the setup.

Storing and Using Homemade Garlic And Herb Butter

Once you’ve made your delicious homemade garlic butter, it’s essential to store it properly to maintain its freshness and flavor. Let me guide you through the best storage methods and provide you with creative ideas on how to use this versatile garlic butter spread in your everyday cooking.

1. Storage Methods:

Proper storage is crucial to preserve the quality of your garlic and herb butter. Here are two recommended methods:

  1. Refrigeration: Store the garlic and herb butter in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap before placing it in the refrigerator. This will keep the butter fresh and prevent it from absorbing any odors from other foods.
  2. Freezing: If you want to keep your garlic and herb butter for a longer period, consider freezing it. Divide the butter into smaller portions or use a mould depending your family’s usage and once solid keep them in a zip lock bag. Label and date the packages before storing them in the freezer.

2. Creative Ways to Use Garlic And Herb Butter:

Now that you know how to store your garlic and herb butter, let’s explore some exciting ways to incorporate it into your cooking:

  • Spread it on freshly baked bread: Toast a slice of crusty bread and spread a generous amount of garlic and herb butter on top. Enjoy the warm, fragrant flavors with each bite.
  • Sauté vegetables: Add a spoonful of garlic and herb butter to a hot pan and toss in your favorite vegetables. Sauté until they’re cooked to perfection, infused with the irresistible aroma and taste of the butter.
  • Enhance grilled meats: Before grilling your favorite meats, spread a layer of garlic and herb butter on top. As the butter melts, it will infuse the meat with a rich and savory flavor.
  • Toss with pasta: Melt a dollop of garlic and herb butter and toss it with cooked pasta. Add some freshly grated Parmesan cheese, chopped herbs, and a sprinkle of black pepper for a simple yet incredibly flavorful pasta dish.
  • Top grilled seafood: Once your grilled fish or shrimp is cooked, place a pat of garlic and herb butter on top. Allow it to melt slowly, creating a delicious, buttery glaze that elevates the seafood’s natural flavors.

By following the proper storage methods and exploring different ways to use your homemade garlic and herb butter, you can enjoy its delightful taste and aroma in various dishes. Get creative, experiment with flavors, and elevate your meals with the magic of garlic and herb butter!

A ceramic plate with slice of rustic bread topped with a green herb butter and a golden knife. A small bowl of garlic and herb butter by the side.

Health Benefits of Garlic and Herbs in Butter

Garlic and herbs not only enhance the flavour of Garlic And Herb Butter but also offer various health benefits. When you incorporate garlic and herbs into this delectable butter, you are adding a touch of nutritional goodness to your meals.

Garlic, known for its distinct aroma and taste, contains potent compounds that contribute to its numerous health benefits. It is renowned for its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, making it a great natural remedy for fighting infections and boosting the immune system. Consuming garlic regularly has also been linked to reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of heart disease.

The incorporation of herbs into Garlic And Herb Butter further enhances its health benefits. Herbs such as parsley, thyme, rosemary, and basil are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They not only add a burst of freshness to your dishes but also offer anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to overall wellness.

Its versatility and ability to elevate your meals from ordinary to extraordinary make it an essential ingredient for culinary enthusiasts. By following a simple homemade recipe and experimenting with different herbs and ingredients, you can unlock the magic of this flavoured butter and transform your cooking.

Whether you’re looking to add a burst of flavour to everyday dishes or impress guests with gourmet creations, Garlic And Herb Butter will never disappoint. Its aromatic blend of garlic and herbs brings a delightful taste to every bite. From spreading it on warm bread to sautéing vegetables or incorporating it into pasta, the possibilities are endless.

Not only does Garlic And Herb Butter enhance the flavour of your meals, but it also offers various health benefits. Garlic is known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, while herbs such as rosemary and thyme bring their own unique health-boosting qualities. So not only will you be indulging in delicious food, but you’ll also be nourishing your body.

Transforming Everyday Dishes with Garlic And Herb Butter

Garlic and Herb Butter is a culinary secret that can transform your everyday dishes into sensational delights. With its rich and aromatic flavors, this homemade garlic butter adds a touch of sophistication to any meal. Let me share with you some creative ways to use this heavenly butter:

1. Spread it on warm bread:

Nothing beats the combination of freshly baked bread and a generous slather of homemade garlic and herb butter. The butter melts into the warm bread, creating a heavenly blend of flavors.

1. Sauté Vegetables:

Elevate the humble veggies in your stir-fries and sautés by tossing them in a sizzling pan with a dollop of garlic and herb butter. The butter adds a burst of flavor and complements the natural sweetness of the vegetables.

1. Enhance Pasta Dishes:

Add a gourmet touch to your favorite pasta recipes by tossing the cooked pasta with a spoonful of melted garlic and herb butter. The butter coats the pasta strands, infusing them with its tantalizing aroma.

1. Aromatic Grilled Meats:

Turn ordinary grilled meats into restaurant-worthy dishes by slathering them with a pat of garlic and herb butter. As the meat cooks, the butter melts, creating a succulent, flavorful crust.

1. Bake Savory Goods:

Incorporate garlic and herb butter into your baking adventures. Use it as a flavor-packed spread for savory scones, biscuits, or dinner rolls. The butter adds depth and complexity to your baked creations.

Get creative and experiment with using Garlic and Herb Butter in various dishes. Its versatility makes it a perfect addition to your cooking repertoire, whether you’re making a quick weeknight dinner or hosting a special gathering.

Garlic Herb Butter 5

Garlic And Herb Butter

This easy recipe is as simple as blending fresh garlic and choice of herbs with softened butter. Quickly chill in the refrigerator and stores well in the freezer. Hands on spread for elevating the taste of bread, veggies, chicken, meat, shrimp and pasta.
Prep Time 3 minutes
Total Time 3 minutes
Course Spread
Cuisine French
Servings 12


  • 100 g Unsalted Butter
  • 30 g Coriander Leaves
  • 1 Tbsp Rosemary
  • 1 Tbsp Dill
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 3 Cloves Garlic


  • In a food processor mince fresh herbs and garlic cloves very fine.
  • Add in softened butter and salt and run the machine for a minute until butter is nicely whipped up and all flavours are blend.
  • Using a spatula or a spoon, mix the ingredients together until they are well combined and run the machine if required more.
  • Transfer the garlic and herb mixture onto a sheet of plastic wrap or put them in molds for easier usage. You can chose the size of mold according to your usage quantity.
  • If you have put the flavoured butter into plastic wrap then roll it tightly, shaping the mixture into a log. Twist the ends of the plastic wrap to seal the log. For other molds just pop it in the fridge or freezer to set.
Keyword flavoured butter, garlic and herb butter, garlic butter, herb butter, homemade butter, infused butter


What is garlic and herb butter?

Garlic and herb butter is a flavoured butter that is infused with aromatic garlic and a variety of herbs. It adds a burst of deliciousness to meals and can be used as a spread or cooking ingredient.

How can I use garlic and herb butter?

Garlic and herb butter is versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. You can spread it on warm bread, use it to sauté vegetables, add it to pasta sauces, or melt it over grilled meats for added flavour.

How can I make garlic and herb butter at home?

Making homemade garlic and herb butter is easy. Start by combining softened butter with minced garlic and chopped herbs of your choice. Mix well and refrigerate until firm.

How long can I store garlic and herb butter?

Garlic and herb butter can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Alternatively, you can freeze it for longer storage, up to three months.

Are there health benefits to using garlic and herbs in butter?

Yes, garlic and herbs have various health benefits. Garlic is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, while herbs are packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals.

What ingredients do I need to make garlic and herb butter?

To make garlic and herb butter, you will need high-quality butter, fresh garlic cloves, and a selection of fresh herbs such as parsley, thyme, rosemary, coriander, dill or basil.

Can I use garlic and herb butter if I’m lactose intolerant?

Unfortunately, garlic and herb butter is made with dairy butter and is not suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. However, there are dairy-free and vegan alternatives available if you still want to enjoy the flavors of garlic and herbs.

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